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Tyne and Wear HER(107): Old Hollinside - Details

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Old Hollinside




Fortified House

Fortified Manor House


Medieval 1066 to 1540

Ruined Building

When first built, perhaps in the 13th century, the house was an oblong, 16.15 x 6.65 metres externally, with walls 0.90 metres thick, with 2 rooms (hall and chamber) on each of 2 floors, and a probable garderobe turret at the south-west angle. Later a 2-storey wing was added to the east wall on each side of the entrance, and finally a wall, with arch above to support a tower, was built between the wings. It became a possession of the Bowes c.1730. In 1889 it was used as a cattle shed, but it was then decided to keep the ruins in good order. There has been some vandalism to the site in recent years, however. SCHEDULED ANCIENT MONUMENT AND LISTED GRADE 1.




<< HER 107 >> W. Hutchinson, 1787, History....of Durham, Vol. II, pp. 450 R. Surtees, 1820, History of...Durham, II, pp. 250-1 Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle, 1886, Hollinside, 2, II, pp. 184-6 J. Robinson, 1890, Hollinside, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle, 2, IV, p. 177 J.R. Boyle, 1892, Durham: Its Castles, Churches, etc. pp. 594-5 J.F. Hodgson, 1898, Finchale Priory, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle, Rev 2, VIII, p. 180 Archaeologia Aeliana, 1912, Seals,3, VIII, p. 110 A.H. Thompson, 1922, Hollinside, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle, 3, X, p. 286 R.B. Harbottle, 1988, Files entitled Old Hollinside, T&W CC C/GD/DS/05/01, now with Gateshead MBC C.H.H. Blair. 1935, The Renaissance Heraldry of the County Palatine of Durham, Archaeologia Aeliana, 4, XII, p. 48 Monthly Chronicle of North-Country Lore and Legend, 1890, Hollinside Manor, March, pp. 128-9 Q. Peel, 1974, Civic cash aids North history, Wed. 4 Dec., The Journal, p. 7 Evening Chronicle, 1976, Foreign money find puzzles the historians, Wed. 12 May, p. 5 R. Anderson, Scrapbook Vols. I, p. 17, II p. 101, III p. 4, Gateshead Library Newspaper cuttings P.J. Davison, 1965, Interesting Places... pp. 11-12 P.J. Davison, 1979, The Derwent Valley, pp. 40- W. Greenwell, ed. 1856, Bishop Hatfield's Survey, Surtees Society, 32, p. 93; Gateshead Council, 1999, Conservation Area Policy Guidelines, Strategies and Character Statements, Gibside Conservation Area, pp 51-53

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