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Tyne and Wear HER(12977): Tynemouth, Diamante (DIAMANT, DIAMOND) - Details

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N Tyneside

Tynemouth, Diamante (DIAMANT, DIAMOND)



Maritime Craft

Sailing Vessel


Early Modern



A barque, wrecked on Battery Rocks in 1890 (Collings) or March 26th 1898 ((Keys and Smith and NMR). She was wrecked on Black Middens Rocks whilst entering the Tyne with pit props from Sandefiord (Collings) or Larvik (NMR). 8 of the crew were rescued with rocket apparatus. A wooden sailing vessel built in 1869.




Peter Collings, 1991, The New Divers Guide to the North-East Coast, page 38; Dick Keys and Ken Smith, 1998, Black Diamonds By Sea - North-East Sailing Colliers 1780-1880, p 19; National Monument Record (1366551); Richard and Bridget Larn 1997 Shipwreck index of the British Isles, volume 3. The east coast of England : Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Lincolnshire, Yorkshire, County Durham, Northumberland Section 6, County Durham (CF); Boswell Whitaker 1979 Preservation of life from shipwreck, volume 1 : Skuetender lifeboat Page(s)133; Boswell Whitaker 1980 Preservation of life from shipwreck, volume 3 : Tynemouth Volunteer Life Brigade Page(s)46, 98-100

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