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Tyne and Wear HER(4946): Throckley, North Farm - Details

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Throckley, North Farm



Agriculture and Subsistence

Land Use Site


Early Modern


Extant Building

Farm with industrial interest. A plan of Throckley Manor dated 1805 shows 'Fell Butts Close' on the site of North Farm. By the enclosure award of 1830 the farm is reverse C shaped. In 2008 a building recording was undertaken by ARS Ltd.prior to renovation and conversion of the buildings into cottages. The farm had three phases of construction- 1805, 1849 and 1888. The barn structures were a mix of construction dates. The 19th century barns are of rough and smooth sandstone blocks in a greyish mortar with sandstone ashlar blocks.




<< HER 4946 >> Tyne and Wear Industrial Monuments Trust, Newburn Plan Area; A Plan of Throckley Manor, 1805, NRO 691/1/19 and NCL L942.82 W151N; William Grace W. Bates, 1830, Plan of Throckley Fell, NRO ZGI xxxv/4; Archaeological Research Services Ltd. 2009, North Farm, Throckley - Historic Building Recording

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