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Tyne and Wear HER(5632): Gateshead, Bottle Bank, possible prehistoric features - Details

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Gateshead, Bottle Bank, possible prehistoric features






Iron Age?


Possible prehistoric features were found during excavations in 2000 - a possible gully was found in Smith's Yard, cut into the natural clay, orientated north-south, 1.2 metres wide and 2 metres deep. It was filled with grey brown clay and yellow sandy clay. At the southern rounded end a possible stakehole or posthole was found. To the north in Dobson and Hawk's Yard, a short fragment of a curving feature with a v-shped profile was recorded. It was cut by an alignment of postholes which dated to the C3. Another shallow ditch or gully was found running north-east to south-west was filled with grey sandy silt. This was on the line of a later wall so its suggested early date may be questionable. The earliest feature lay at the northernmost part of the site. A linear feature running east-west, 2 metres long and 1.04 metres wide. It was filled with dark grey sandy soil which produced C2 pottery.




<< HER 5632 >> Oxford Archaeology North, 2003, Bottle Bank, Gateshead, Archaeological Excavation Report - Draft

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