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Tyne and Wear HER(76): Sunderland ferry - Details

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Sunderland ferry




Water Transport Site

Ferry Crossing


Medieval 1066 to 1540

Documentary evidence

Documentary evidence suggests that the rents and profits of Sunderland Ferry were in the possession of Bishop Pudsey in the late 12th century. There are published early 15th century references to payments by the cell of Wearmouth to the ferryman for passage from Sunderland, and later 15th century references to a claim by the prior of Durham and the master of Wearmouth to free passage by the ferry. The bishop probably retained the ferry on this occasion, and subsequently leased it to different operators, including the Ettrick family from 1661 to 1796 when it was purchased by the Commissioners of the new iron bridge. Eventually came into the hands of the Corporation, and was finally superseded by the bridge. It is not clear just where it was sited, but may have crossed at the same point as that which crossed from Bodlewell Lane Steps to Monkwearmouth for over 250 years having been established by an Act of Parliament in 1710. Prior to this, however, a ferry had crossed the river, at or near to this point, from possibly the 7th century, following the foundation of St Peter's Monastery at Monkwearmouth in 674 A.D. The crossing was last served by the "Wear" which made the four minute journey regularly for many decades until the closure of the service in 1957.




<< HER 76 >> Rev. J. Raine, 1854, The Inventories and Account Rolls of...Jarrow and Monkwearmouth, Surtees Society, 29, pp. 195, 197, 247-249 Rev. J.T. Middlemiss, 1904, Sunderland Ferry, Antiquities of Sunderland, Vol. III (for 1902), pp. 1-11 Ordnance Survey archaeological record cards,1957, Ferry - possibly on site of medieval ferry and ford I. Ayris, River Wear Trail, Board Nine, The Sunderland Ferry

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