358 Westgate Road, The Balmoral Public House
358 Westgate Road, The Balmoral Public House
HER Number
Site Name
358 Westgate Road, The Balmoral Public House
Map Sheet
Site Type: Broad
Site Type: Specific
General Period
Specific Period
Victorian 1837 to 1901
Form of Evidence
Extant Building
2 houses, now public house. Circa 1840. Sandstone ashlar and pecked stone; Welsh
slate roof. 2 builds. Left part: basement and 2 storeys, 2 bays, lO steps curved
round right angle to flushed door at right, in flat Tuscan doorcase with prominent
cornice. C19 oriel inserted at left; sashes above under flat stone lintels have
late C19 glazing bars and sill band. Ground floor sill band interrupted by oriel.
Eaves band and gutter cornice. Ashlar end chimney raised in brick. Steps have plain
iron railings and handrail with downcurled end. Right part: rusticated ground and
first floors; rusticated quoins to second floor. 3 storeys, 1 bay. Aproned sills
and flat stone lintels to renewed ground-floor window and first-floor sash with
glazing bars; similar second-floor window with sill band. Eaves gutter cornice; 2
chimneys behind. Right return: 3 storeys, 2 windows and 3 narrow bays; rusticated
first floor in left part and 2 gabled porches. Small-paned ground-floor windows;
sashes with glazing bars above; bands at second floor level and sill level; eaves
gutter cornice. Cast iron area railings. LISTED GRADE 2
slate roof. 2 builds. Left part: basement and 2 storeys, 2 bays, lO steps curved
round right angle to flushed door at right, in flat Tuscan doorcase with prominent
cornice. C19 oriel inserted at left; sashes above under flat stone lintels have
late C19 glazing bars and sill band. Ground floor sill band interrupted by oriel.
Eaves band and gutter cornice. Ashlar end chimney raised in brick. Steps have plain
iron railings and handrail with downcurled end. Right part: rusticated ground and
first floors; rusticated quoins to second floor. 3 storeys, 1 bay. Aproned sills
and flat stone lintels to renewed ground-floor window and first-floor sash with
glazing bars; similar second-floor window with sill band. Eaves gutter cornice; 2
chimneys behind. Right return: 3 storeys, 2 windows and 3 narrow bays; rusticated
first floor in left part and 2 gabled porches. Small-paned ground-floor windows;
sashes with glazing bars above; bands at second floor level and sill level; eaves
gutter cornice. Cast iron area railings. LISTED GRADE 2
Grid Reference
Department of National Heritage, List of Buildings of Special Architectural and Historic Interest, 11/583 and 18/583; AAG Archaeology, 2014, Ryokan Hotel, 358 Westgate Road, Newcastle upon Tyne - Archaeological Assessment Addendum; Archaeological Research Services, 2008, 358 Westgate Road, Newcastle upon Tyne - Archaeological Assessment; Building control plans TWAS: 1876 T186/1452; 1884 T186/10671; 1897 T186/17640; 1938 T186/1452; 1952 T186/17460; Bennison, B, 1998, Lost Weekends, A History of Newcastle's Public Houses, Vol 3, The West