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Tyne and Wear HER(8129): 19 Westoe Village, The Chase - Details

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S Tyneside

19 Westoe Village, The Chase







Hanoverian 1714 to 1837

Extant Building

Late C18. 1871 alteration and addition, T A page architect. 1921 alteration and addition, G R Smith architect. The house which has a C17 air to it is in fact a late C18 house which has undergone 2 major alterations. Brick with stone dressings and a gabled slate roof with deep overhanging eaves. Three storeys and 3 bays with 2 storey and single bay wings at either end. The main block has 2 segmental bow windows to the ground and first floors with mullion and transome lights. Single sash window to the central bay of ground and first floors both with hood mould. The second floor has a 2 light window to the centre and a "bastard" Venetian window to each outer bay. Continuous stone cill band to each floor. The west wing set in line with the main block has a square bay to the ground floor with transom and mullion lights and to the first floor a canted bay. The elevation terminates with a parapet. The east wing set well back from the main block contains the entrance framed with a classical doorcase. Above to the first floor an oriel. The C18 house was of 3 storeys and 3 bays with central door and 3 light bow windows to the ground floor. In 1871 a new entrance with room over was added to the west and the original door made into a window. In 1921 the bow windows were extended to the first floor and all the windows "Jacobeanised". The present east entrance wing was added and the bays added to the 1871 wing. LISTED GRADE 2




Department of National Heritage, List of Buildings of Special architectural or Historic Interest, 9/82

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