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Tyne and Wear HER(5973): New Bridge Street, Lying-In Hospital - Details

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New Bridge Street, Lying-In Hospital



Health and Welfare


Maternity Hospital


Hanoverian 1714 to 1837

Extant Building

Shown on Ordnance Survey 25" to 1 mile series, as "Living-in Hospital". Shown as "Hospital" on second and third edition maps. By 1952 the building was used as Broadcasting House by the BBC. 1826 by John Dobson on land given by the Corporation of Newcastle. Sandstone ashlar with coursed square stone returns and rear. Slate roof. Tudor style. Tudor-arched surround to renewed door. Corbelled oriel window. Dobson gave his services for free; other expenses were met by public subscription. LISTED GRADE 2




<< HER 5973 >> Dept. of National Heritage, of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest, 21/412 1864, 1st edition Ordnance Survey map, 25 inch scale, 1850 2nd edition Ordnance Survey map, 1899, 25 inches to one mile scale; E. MacKenzie 1827 History of Newcastle pp 517-520; T. Faulkner and A. Greg, 1987, John Dobson Newcastle Architect 1787-1865, pp 42-43; Grace McCombie, 2009, Newcastle and Gateshead - Pevsner Architectural Guide, p. 18 and 188; Lynn Redhead, 1996, Hospitals; Gifford, 2007, East Pilgrim Street, Phase II, Newcastle upon Tyne - Condition Appraisal and Conservation Statement

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